
姓名:杨鑫松 教授、硕导、博导
Email: xinsongyang@163.com; xinsongyang@scu.edu.cn
杨鑫松(1968-),教授,四川大学电子信息学院硕导和博导,“群体智能与控制”实验室负责人,成都市科学技术协会项目评审专家,“天府峨眉计划”创新领军人才,2019-2022年连续4年入选科睿唯安全球高被引学者和Elsevier中国高被引学者,分别获2019年SCI杂志J. Franklin Instit. 杰出审稿人和2022年 IEEE Trans. Network Sci. Engineering、TNNLS杰出审稿人,访问过东南大学、香港城市大学、香港大学、香港理工大学,是杂志《工程科学与技术》、Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics、Mathematical Modelling and Control、 SCI杂志Neurocomputing、Neural Processing Letters、Mathematics的编辑(AE),中国指挥与控制学会高级会员、中国自动化学会高级会员、中国航空学会会员、全国复杂网络会议专业委员会委员、TCCT随机系统控制学组学术委员会委员、智能物联专委会委员、中国系统工程学会会员、中国仿真学会会员、中国工业与应用数学学会会员、美国《数学评论》的评论员,2016年获江苏省科学技术奖二等奖(排名第三),2017-2019年连续3年获重庆市优秀学术论文,2020年获首届川渝优秀论文一等奖,2021年获川渝优秀论文二、三等奖各1篇。授权发明专利2项,发表科研论文150多篇,SCI引用8000多次,H指数50,发表的杂志包括SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems –I, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Science China Technological Sciences, Science China Information Science等国内外顶级杂志。带领研究生获得全国无人机竞赛二等奖1项和西南片区二等奖2项,主持完成2项国家级和近20项省级科研项目,正在主持1项国家面上项目。
1989.09---1992.07 湖南怀化师专数学专业
2003.09---2006.07 云南大学基础数学专业,获理学硕士学位
2006.08---2012.06 云南红河学院数学系,助教,讲师,副教授,破格教授
2012.07---2020.12 重庆师范大学数学学院,教授
2021.01---至今 四川大学电子信息学院,教授
2008.09---2009.06 东南大学数学系,访问学者
2014.07---2014.08 访问香港城市大学数学系,高级访问学者
2015.08---2015.09 访问香港大学机械工程系,高级访问学者
2016.01---2016.01 访问香港城市大学数学系,高级访问学者
2016.07---2016.07 访问香港理工大学数学系,高级访问学者
5. 四川省中央引导地方科技发展专项(2021ZYD0015):信息物理系统的低能耗安全控制算法,50万,2021.7.1—2022.6.30,主持,优秀结题
6. 四川省自然科学基金(2022NSFSC0541):随机切换稳定性及其网络系统安全同步中的应用,20万,2022.1.1—2023.12.31,主持,在研
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(62373262):切换拓扑下时滞异质多智能体系统的分布式滤波和输出同步控制研究,50万,2024.01-2027.12,主持,在研
8. 西安爱生无人机技术有限公司,固定翼集群多任务编队控制仿真,40万,在研
1. 2016年《脉冲耦合网络趋同行为的理论与方法》获江苏省科学技术奖二等奖,排名第3,江苏省人民政府
2. 论文《在马尔科夫切换拓扑和脉冲影响下的耦合网络的有限时间同步》被评为重庆市科协2017年“自然科学优秀学术论文”发证时间2018年3月
3. 论文《时滞忆阻神经网络的指数同步:区间矩阵方法》2018年被评为重庆市科协年度“自然科学优秀学术论文”
4. 论文《量化间歇牵制控制下网络的有限时间同步》2019年被评为重庆市科协年度“自然科学优秀学术论文”
5. 论文《Synchronization of coupled Markovian reaction-diffusion neural networks with proportional delays via quantized control》2020年获川渝首届优秀论文一等奖。
6. 论文《Synchronization of time-delayed complex networks with switching topology via hybrid actuator fault and impulsive effects control》2021年获川渝优秀论文二等奖。
7. 论文《Synchronization of switched discrete-time neural networks via quantized output control with actuator fault》2021年获川渝优秀论文三等奖。
8. 指导学生获“易兆创新杯”第十七届中国研究生电子设计竞赛西南分区团队二等奖,“基于视觉惯导室内定位的无人机ego-planner路径规划系统”,
9. 指导学生获第九届中国研究生未来飞行器创新大赛全国二等奖,“自主搜寻无人机系统”,
10. 指导学生获“易兆创新杯”第十八届中国研究生电子设计竞赛西南分区团队二等奖,“基于增量边界和分层规划的自主搜寻无人机”。
[1] Xinsong Yang*, Jinde Cao, Chen Xu, Jianwen Feng, Finite-time stabilization of switched dynamical networks with quantized couplings via quantized controller, Science China Technological Sciences, 61(2)(2018)299-308.1.719
[2] Xiaolin Xiong, Xinsong Yang*, Jinde Cao*, Rongqiang Tang, Finite-time control for a class of hybrid systems via quantized intermittent control, Science China Information Science, 63(9)(2020)192201.
[3] Xinsong Yang, Jinde Cao*, Zhichun Yang, Synchronization of coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks with time-varying delays via pinning-impulsive controller, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51 (5) (2013) 3486-3510.
[4] Xinsong Yang*, James Lam, Daniel W. C. Ho, Zhiguo Feng, Fixed-time synchronization of complex networks with impulsive effects via non-chattering control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, full paper, 62(11)(2017)5511-5521,
[5] Xinsong Yang*, Jianquan Lu, Finite-time synchronization of coupled networks with Markovian topology and impulsive effects, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61 (8) (2016) 2256-2261.
[6] Xinsong Yang*, Daniel W. C. Ho, Synchronization of delayed memristive neural networks: Robust analysis approach, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46 (12) (2016) 3377-3387.
[7] Qiang Song, Fang Liu, Guanghui Wen, Jinde Cao*, Xinsong Yang, Distributed position-based consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with continuous/intermittent communication, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 47 (8) (2017) 1860-1871.
[8] Chen Xu, Xinsong Yang*, Jianquan Lu, Jianwen Feng, Fuad E. Alsaadi, and Tasawar Hayat, Finite-time synchronization of networks via quantized intermittent pinning control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(10)(2018)3021-3027.
[9] Wanli Zhang, Xinsong Yang, Chuandong Li*, Fixed-time stochastic synchronization of complex networks via continuous control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(8)(2019)3099-3104.
[10] Xinsong Yang*, Xiaodi Li, Jianquan Lu, Zunshui Cheng, Synchronization of time-delayed complex networks with switching topology via hybrid actuator fault and impulsive effects control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 50(9)(2020)4043-4052.
[11] Qihan Qi, Xinsong Yang*, Zhilu Xu, Meijie Zhang, Tingwen Huang, Novel LKF method on H_infinity synchronization of switched time-delay systems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 53(7)(2023)4545-4554.
[12] Hao Wang, Xinsong Yang*, Zhengrong Xiang, Rongqiang Tang, Qian Ning, Synchronization of switched neural networks via attacked mode-dependent event-triggered control and its application in image encryption, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 53 (9) (2023) 5994-6003.
[13] Yunting Wang, Rongqiang Tang, Housheng Su, Yaping Sun, Xinsong Yang*, Asynchronous control of switched discrete-time positive systems with delay, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 52(11)(2022) 7193-7200.
[14] Yan Zhang, Yang Liu, Xinsong Yang*, Jianlong Qiu*, A reset algorithm solving coordination with antagonistic reciprocity, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 52(4)(2022)2361-2371.
[15] Shuoyu Mao, Xinsong Yang*, Maolin Wang, Wei Xing Zheng, Secure stabilization of switched T-S fuzzy systems with mixed delay via mode-dependent event-triggered control, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2023.3306724
[16] Yi Su, Xinsong Yang*, Peng Shi, Guanghui Wen, and Zhilu Xu, Consensus-based vehicle platoon control under periodic event-triggered strategy, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI:10.1109/TSMC.2023.3312068
[17] Xinsong Yang*, Qiang Song, Jinde Cao, Jianquan Lu, Synchronization of coupled Markovian reaction-diffusion neural networks with proportional delays via quantized control, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 3(3)(2019)951-958.
[18] Xinsong Yang*, Jinde Cao, Yao Long, Weiguo Rui, Adaptive lag synchronization for competitive neural networks with mixed delays and uncertain hybrid perturbations, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Regular Paper,21(10) (2010) 1656-1667.
[19] Xinsong Yang*, Jinde Cao, Jianquan Lu, Synchronization of Markovian coupled neural networks with nonidentical node-delays and random coupling strengths, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Regular Paper, 23(1)(2012) 60-71.
[20] Xinsong Yang*, Jinde Cao, Jinling Liang, Exponential synchronization of memristive neural networks with delays: Interval matrix method, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 28 (8)(2017)1878-1888.
[21] Wanli Zhang, Xinsong Yang, Chen Xu, Jianwen Feng, and Chuandong Li*, Finite-time synchronization of discontinuous neural networks with delays and mismatched parameters, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29 (8) (2018) 3761--3771.
[22] Xinsong Yang, Yang Liu*, Jinde Cao, Leszek Rutkowski, Synchronization of coupled time-delay neural networks with mode-dependent average dwell time switching, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 31(12)(2020)5483-5496.
[23] Xinsong Yang, Xiaoxiao Wan, Zunshui Cheng, Jinde Cao, Yang Liu*, and Leszek Rutkowski, Synchronization of switched discrete-time neural networks via quantized output control with actuator fault, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 32(9)(2021)4191-4201.
[24] Rongqiang Tang, Housheng Su, Yi Zou, Xinsong Yang*, Finite-time synchronization of Markovian coupled neural networks with delays via intermittent quantized control: Linear programming approach, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 33(10)(2022) 5268-5278
[25] Meijie Zhang, Xinsong Yang*, Qihan Qi, and Ju H. Park, State estimation of switched time-delay complex networks with strict decreasing LKF, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3241955
[26] Xinsong Yang*, Xingxing Ju, Peng Shi, Guanghui Wen, Two novel noise-suppression projection neural networks with fixed-time convergence for variational inequalities and applications, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3321761
[27] Xinsong Yang*, Jinde Cao, Jianquan Lu, Stochastic synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical nodes via hybrid adaptive and impulsive control, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -I, Regular Paper, 59(2)(2012)371-384.
[28] Xinsong Yang*, Jinde cao, Exponential synchronization of delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -I, 60 (9) (2013) 2431-2439.
[29] Xinsong Yang*, Qihan Qi, Peng Shi, Zhengrong Xiang, and Linbo Qing, Non-weighted L2-gain analysis for synchronization of switched nonlinear time-delay systems with random injection attacks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -I, Regular Paper, 70 (9) (2023) 3759-3769.
[30] Yan Zhang, Yang Liu, Xinsong Yang*, Jianlong Qiu*, Velocity constraint on double-integrator dynamics subject to antagonistic information, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 68(1)(2021)411-415.
[31] Xingxing Ju, Xinsong Yang*, Rongqiang Tang, and Jinde Cao, A fixed-time noise-tolerance neurodynamic approach for inv erse variational inequalities, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -II: Express Briefs, DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2023.3287182
[32] Meijie Zhang, Yaping Sun*, Xinsong Yang*, and Ju H. Park, Secure state estimation of singularly perturbed switched systems with output deception attack via discretized LKF approach, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -II: Express Briefs, DOI:10.1109/TCSII.2023.3312091
[33] Xinsong Yang*, Daniel W. C. Ho, Jianquan Lu, Qiang Song, Finite-time cluster synchronization of T-S fuzzy complex networks with discontinuous subsystems and random coupling delays, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(6)(2015)2302-2316.
[34] Xinsong Yang*, Guoying Feng, Changtao He, Jinde Cao, Event-triggered dynamic output quantization control of switched T-S fuzzy systems with unstable modes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 30(10)(2022) 4201-4210.
[35] Xiangxiang Wang, Yongbin Yu*, Kaibo Shi, Hao Chen, Shouming Zhong, Xinsong Yang, and Jingye Cai, Membership-mismatched impulsive exponential stabilization for fuzzy unconstrained multilayer neural networks with node-dependent delays, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 31(4)(2023)1214-1228.
[36] Changtao He, Rongqiang Tang, Hak-Keung Lam, Jinde Cao, and Xinsong Yang*, Mode-dependent event-triggered output control for switched T-S fuzzy systems with stochastic switching, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 31 (8) (2023) 2581-2592, DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2022.3229748
[37] Rongqiang Tang, Xinsong Yang*, Peng Shi, Zhengrong Xiang, and Linbo Qing, Finite-time L2 stabilization of uncertain delayed T-S fuzzy systems via intermittent control, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2023.3292233
[38] Shuoyu Mao, Xinsong Yang*, Yaping Sun*, Peng Shi, and Zhengrong Xiang, Secure L2 stabilization of switched T-S fuzzy systems with mixed delay via asynchronous event-triggered control, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2023.3318241
[39] Zhilu Xu, Rongqiang Tang, Yaping Sun, Xiaodi Li, Xinsong Yang*, Secure synchronization of coupled systems via double event-triggering mechanisms with actuator fault, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 9(5)(2022)3580-3589.
[40] Yachun Yang, Zhilu Xu, Xiaodi Li*, Xinsong Yang, Robust H∞ filtering for discrete-time heterogeneous networks via event-triggered pinning control, IEEE Transactions of Network Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TNSE.2023.3303314
[41] Hao Wang, Xinsong Yang*, Yaping Sun, Jianlong Qiu, and Shengyuan Xu, Stabilization and non-weighted L2 gain analysis of switched systems with distributed delay under asynchronous event-triggered control, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 13(3) (2023) 669-679, DOI: 10.1109/JETCAS.2023.3256559
[42] Meijie Zhang, Xinsong Yang*, Zhengrong Xiang Yaping Sun, Monotone decreasing LKF method for secure consensus of second-order MASs with delay and switching topology, Systems \& Control Letters, 172(2023)105436
[43] Xinsong Yang*, Quanxin Zhu, Chuangxia Huang, Generalized lag-synchronization of chaotic mix-delayed systems with uncertain parameters and unknown perturbations, Nonlinear Analysis-B, Real World Application, 12(2011)93-105.
[44] Xinsong Yang*, Jinde Cao, Jianquan Lu, Synchronization of delayed complex dynamical networks with impulsive and stochastic effects, Nonlinear Analysis-B, Real World Application, 12(2011)2252-2266.
[45] Xinsong Yang*, Zhichun Yang, Xiaobing Nie, Exponential synchronization of discontinuous chaotic systems via delayed impulsive control and its application to secure communication, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,19 (2014) 1529-1543.
[46] Rongqiang Tang, Xinsong Yang*, Xiaoxiao Wan, Yi Zou, Zunshui Cheng, Habib M. Fardoun, Finite-time synchronization of nonidentical BAM discontinuous fuzzy neural networks with delays and impulsive effects via non-chattering quantized control, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 79(2019) 104893.
[47] Rongqiang Tang, Shuang Yuan, Xinsong Yang*, Peng Shi, Zhengrong Xiang, Finite-Time Synchronization of Intermittently Controlled Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Delays: A Weighted LKF Method, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, CNSNS_107571
1. 解决了右端状态不连续的时滞系统的Filippov接的存在性问题,提出了新的分析方法和控制策略首次实现右端状态不连续的时滞系统的同步;即使是异质的不连续系统也能实现有限时间同步。
2. 建立新的分析技术实现时滞系统的有限时间同步,即使有无穷分布时滞也能实现同步;同时,设计无抖振控制器实现脉冲系统的固定时间同步。
3. 首次揭示切换系统在脉冲干扰下不需要任何控制也能实现网络同步;创新性地提出基于切换概率的随机切换规则,并证明传统的驻留时间切换、Markov切换以及间歇控制的相关结果都是随机切换规则下的特殊情况,并且切换的子系统可以是不稳定的。
4. 提出新的分析方法研究时滞切换系统使得所设计的Lyapunov泛函在切换时刻严格单调递减。
1. 提出基于双目视觉的路径规划算法,实现无人机自主避障、自动搜索和跟踪目标。
2. 无人机群的协同调度和打击。
1. SCI杂志Neurocomputing、Neural Processing Letters、Mathematics的编辑(AE)。
2. 核心期刊《工程科学与技术》、国外核心Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics、Mathematical Modelling and Control的编辑。
3. 中国指挥与控制学会高级会员、中国自动化学会高级会员、全国复杂网络会议专业委员会委员、TCCT随机系统控制学组学术委员会委员、智能物联专委会委员、中国航空学会会员。