专业: 光学工程、光学
研究方向: 光学精密检测、光学仪器及设计
Email: lidahai@scu.edu.cn, 1009461940@qq.com
地址: 成都市一环路南一段24号四川大学电子信息学院
[1] Zekun Zhang, Ruiyang Wang, Xinwei Zhang, Renhao Ge, Wanxing Zheng, Manwei Chen, and Dahai Li, "Refractive index measurement deflectometry for measuring gradient refractive index lens," Opt. Express 32(7), 12620 (2024).
[2] Z. Yan, Dahai Li, Xinwei Zhang, and Renhao Ge, "Phase measuring deflectometry for convex aspheric surface measurement," Appl. Opt. 63(6), 1583 (2024).
[3] Ruiyang Wang, Dahai Li, Wanxing Zheng, L. Yu, Renhao Ge, and Xinwei Zhang, "Vision ray model based stereo deflectometry for the measurement of the specular surface," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 172, 107831 (2024).
[4] Xinwei Zhang, Dahai Li, Zekun Zhang, B. Huang, Ruiyang Wang, H. Pu, Z. Huang, and Z. Chen, "Density field measurement deflectometry for supersonic wind tunnels," Opt. Lett. 48(7), 1714 (2023).
[5] Xinwei Zhang, Dahai Li, and Ruiyang Wang, "Screen-monitored stitching deflectometry based on binocular stereo vision," Measurement 207, 112440 (2023).
[6] Wanxing Zheng, Dahai Li, Ruiyang Wang, Xinwei Zhang, Renhao Ge, L. Yu, and W. Zhao, "Parasitic reflection separation deflectometry based on harmonic analysis," Measurement 203, 111864 (2022).
[7] Wanxing Zheng, Dahai Li, Ruiyang Wang, Xinwei Zhang, Renhao Ge, and L. Yu, "Front and back surface measurement of the transparent planar element based on multi-frequency fringe deflectometry," Opt. Express 30(20), 35409 (2022).
[8] L. Yu, Dahai Li, Y. Ruan, Xinwei Zhang, Ruiyang Wang, and K. Xu, "Wavefront Aberration Measurement Deflectometry for Imaging Lens Tests," Applied Sciences 12(15), 7857 (2022).
[9] Renhao Ge, Dahai Li, Xinwei Zhang, Ruiyang Wang, Wanxing Zheng, L. Yu, X. Li, and W. Zhao, "Phase measuring deflectometry based on calibration of the entrance pupil center of the camera lens," Appl. Opt. 61(5), 1156 (2022).
[10] Xinwei Zhang, Dahai Li, and Ruiyang Wang, "Active speckle deflectometry based on 3D digital image correlation," Opt. Express 29(18), 28427 (2021).
[11] Ruiyang Wang, Xinwei Zhang, and Dahai Li, "Dynamic speckle deflectometry based on backward digital image correlation," Measurement 171, 108860 (2021).
[12] Ruiyang Wang, Dahai Li, and Xinwei Zhang, "Systematic error control for deflectometry with iterative reconstruction," Measurement 168, 108393 (2021).
[13] Ruiyang Wang, Dahai Li, Xinwei Zhang, Wanxing Zheng, L. Yu, and Renhao Ge, "Marker-free stitching deflectometry for three-dimensional measurement of the specular surface," Opt. Express 29(25), 41851 (2021).
[14] Tiexin Hong, Dahai Li, Ruiyang Wang, Xinwei Zhang, and Xiaoxiao Liu, Method for measuring the radius of mean curvature of a spherical surface based on phase measuring deflectometry[J]. Applied Optics, 2021, 60(6): 1705-1709.
[15] Peng Luo, Dahai Li, Ruiyang Wang, Xinwei Zhang, Xiaowei Li, and Wuxiang Zhao. Phase-extraction algorithm for a single-shot spatial-carrier orthogonal fringe pattern with least squares method[J]. Optical Engineering, 2020, 59(2): 024103.
[16] Ruiyang Wang, Xinwei Zhang, and Dahai Li. Dynamic speckle deflectometry based on backward digital image correlation[J]. Measurement, 2021, 171: 108860.
[17] Ruiyang Wang, Dahai Li, and Xinwei Zhang. Systematic error control for deflectometry with iterative reconstruction[J]. Measurement, 2021, 168: 108393.
[18] Xinwei Zhang, Dahai Li, Ruiyang Wang, Haichao Tang, Peng Luo, and Kaiyuan Xu. Speckle pattern shifting deflectometry based on digital image correlation[J]. Optics express, 2019, 27(18): 25395-25409.
[19] Lei Tang, Dahai Li, Ruiyang Wang, Wuxiang Zhao, and Jiangang Zhao. Normalized quadrature four-frame phase shift algorithm based on crossed fringe patterns[J]. Optical Engineering, 2019, 58(3): 035103.
[20] Ruiyang Wang, Dahai Li, Kaiyuan Xu, Xinwei Zhang, and Peng Luo. Parasitic reflection elimination using binary pattern in phase measuring deflectometry[J]. Optics Communications, 2019, 451: 67-73.
[21] Ruiyang Wang, Dahai Li, Lei Li, Kaiyuan Xu, Lei Tang, Pengyu Chen and Qionghua Wang. Surface shape measurement of transparent planar elements with phase measuring deflectometry[J]. Optical Engineering, 2018, 57(10): 104104.
[22] Pengyu Chen, Dahai Li, Qionghua Wang, Lei Li , Kaiyuan Xu, Jiangang Zhao, and Ruiyang Wan. A method of sub-aperture slope stitching for testing flat element based on phase measuring deflectometry[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 110: 392-400.
[23] Chengying Jin, Dahai Li, Kewei E, Mengyang Li, Pengyu Chen, Ruiyang Wang, and Zhao Xiong. Phase extraction based on iterative algorithm using five-frame crossed fringes in phase measuring deflectometry[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 105: 93-100.
[24] Mengyang Li, Dahai Li, Chengying Jin, Kewei E, Xiaodong Yuan, Zhao Xiong, and Qionghua Wang. Improved zonal integration method for high accurate surface reconstruction in quantitative deflectometry[J]. Applied optics, 2017, 56(13): F144-F151.
[25] Kewei E, Dahai Li, Lijie Yang, Guangrao Guo, Mengyang Li, Xuemin Wang, Tao Zhang, and Zhao Xiong. Novel method for high accuracy figure measurement of optical flat[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017, 88: 162-166.
[26] Guangrao Guo, Dahai Li, Kewei E, Mengyang Li, and Haiping Chen. Stitching error calculation method for the slope data on a square subaperture[J]. Optics Communications, 2016, 380: 124-133.
[27] Kewei E, Dahai Li, Chen Zhang,Tao Zhang, Mengyang Li, Qin Wang, Chengying Jin, and Zhao Xiong. Four-step shear method for the absolute measurement of a flat surface based on phase measuring deflectometry[J]. Applied optics, 2016, 55(30): 8419-8425.
[28] Kewei E, Chen Zhang, Mengyang Li, Zhao Xiong, and Dahai Li. Wavefront reconstruction algorithm based on Legendre polynomials for radial shearing interferometry over a square area and error analysis[J]. Optics express, 2015, 23(16): 20267-20279.
[29] Mengyang Li, Dahai Li, Chen Zhang, Kewei E, Qionghua Wang, and Haiping Chen. Modal wavefront reconstruction from slope measurements for rectangular apertures[J]. JOSA A, 2015, 32(11): 1916-1921.
[30] Shuiyan Li, Shuang Qin, Dahai Li, and Qionghua Wang. Using a laser source to measure the refractive index of glass beads and Debye theory analysis[J]. Applied optics, 2015, 54(33): 9688-9694.
[31] Chen Zhang, Dahai Li, Mengyang Li, Kewei E, and Guangrao Guo. A calibration method of self-referencing interferometry based on maximum likelihood estimation[C]. Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IX. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, 9525: 95250X.
[32] Dahai Li, Xiao-Ping Qi, Qionghua Wang, Xiaoyong Liu, Guoying Feng, Shouhuan Zhou, Accurate retrieval algorithm of amplitude from radial-shearing interferogram[J]. Optics Letters, 2010.9.15, 35(18): 3054~3056.
[33] Dahai Li, Fulin Wen, Qionghua Wang, Yunying Zhao, Fuming Li, Bingfang Bao, Improved formula of wavefront reconstruction from a radial shearing interferogram[J]. Optics Letters, 2008.2.1, 33(3): 210~212.
[34] 李大海, 王瑞阳, 张新伟. 基于位相测量偏折术的高精度检测平面光学元件面形的方法[J]. 应用光学, 2020, 41(4): 844.
[35] 赵建岗, 李大海, 李磊, 陈鹏宇, 王瑞阳, 王琼华. 偏折术中相机和被测面坐标的获取[J]. 中国激光, 2019, 46(3): 0304001.
[36] 汤海潮, 李大海, 李磊, 陈鹏宇,王瑞阳,王琼华. 基于数字图像相关的平面物体面形散斑图形偏折术[J]. 光学学报, 2019, 39(2): 0212006.
[37] 李萌阳,李大海, 赵霁文,章辰,王琼华. 基于方形域内标准正交矢量多项式的波前重建[J]. 光学学报, 2014, 34(7): 0712007.
[1] 李大海; 汤海潮; 张新伟; 鄂可伟; 唐蕾;王琼华. 一种散斑偏折术检测平面元件面形的方法与装置.专利号: ZL201810200779.X
[2] 李大海; 陈鹏宇; 王瑞阳; 郭广饶; 鄂可伟; 刘鑫. 一种斜率拼接检测平面元件面形的方法与装置.专利号: ZL201810200195.2
[3] 李大海; 鄂可伟; 王琴; 章涛. 大口径平面光学元件的子孔径拼接检测技术研究. 专利号: ZL201611222160.6
[4] 李大海; 李萌阳; 洪之涵; 鄂可伟.一种基于逆哈特曼原理的透镜波前像差测量方法. 专利号: ZL201510332083.9
[5] 李大海; 郭东华; 薄健康. 一种测量高折射率玻璃微珠折射率的装置及方法,专利号: ZL201110052161.1
提出的采用二次彩虹法测量高折射率玻璃微珠折射率的方法,形成了交通部的行业标准,测量范围为1.5~2.4,测量精度可达0.004,并与交通部公路科学研究所合作研制开发了 “BWZY-1玻璃珠性能测试仪”,已为多家单位提供测量服务。提出了基于视线标定方法的大口径离轴非球面面形高精度检测的关键技术,精度和干涉仪相近,可用于不同尺寸球面、非球面、自由曲面、透明平面元件等的面形在位高精度检测;完成了高速流场密度的在线定量和动态测量,光学镜头的轴上与轴外点波像差检测,镜头结构参数测量,以及对大口径倍频晶体不同倾斜角度下前后表面面形的在位测量,精度达到波长量级水平,上述方法与技术已在推广应用。