Doctor of Engineering, Associate Professor, graduate advisor.
In July, 1996, Dr. Dian was graduated from Sichuan University (formerly known as University of Science and Technology of Chengdu) in Industrial Electrical Automation; from July, 1996 to September, 1999, Dr. Dian was engaged in the development work of the systems related to automation and electrical control in No. 2 Research Institute of Nuclear Power Institute of China. From September, 1999 to July, 2002, Dr. Dian was studying his graduate course of Control Theory and Engineering in College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University, and obtained the Master’s degree of Engineering. From July of 2002, Dr. Dian started to act as a teacher in College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University. From October, 2005 to March, 2009, Dr. Dian was studying the doctorate courses of Mechatronic Engineering in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tohoku University (Japan), and obtained the degree of Doctor of Engineering. Since April, 2009, Dr. Dian has been undertaking teaching and scientific-research work in Department of Automation of College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University. Dr. Dian used to act as short-term visiting scholar in Centre for Micro- and Nanotechnology of Technische Universität Ilmenau and School of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University respectively in 2008 and 2011. Dr. Dian is a member of IEEE, senior member of Chinese Association of Automation, China Instrument and Control Society and Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, etc., and the Executive Director of Sichuan Association of Automation and Instrument & Control. In recent 5 years, Dr. Dian has presided over nearly 20 scientific-research programs, of which the research funds have reached nearly RMB 5 million. Dr. Dian has established good scientific-research collaborative relationship with China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Limited, Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China North Industries Group Corporation, Dongfang Electric Corporation, State Grid and China Southern Power Grid, etc. As a leading researcher, Dr. Dian participated in 2 programs funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, of which the total research fund has reached nearly RMB 10 million. Dr. Dian has published over 50 papers, including over 30 SCI/EI papers. Dr. Dian has been awarded 1 provincial / department-level science & technology progress prize, edited 1 monograph in foreign language, and participated in the compilation of 3 state-level textbooks. In 2012, Dr. Dian won the title of the 2nd “The Most Popular Teacher of Students” of Sichuan University. From 2009 to 2011, Dr. Dian had been selected in “Incentive Plan of Backbone Young Teachers of Sichuan University” consecutively.
Courses provided by Dr. Dian:
Undergraduate courses:
1)DSP Theory and Application
2)Intelligent Robots
3)Introduction of Automation
Graduate courses:
1)Self-adaptive Control
2)Model Predictive Control
Main Areas of Research:
Research of advanced control method and intelligent information processing algorithms, and the research and development of the application of advanced control method and intelligent information processing algorithms in the fields of electric power, electronics, movement control and intelligent robots, etc.
2) Development of embedded measurement & control system and real-time DSP/ARM/FPGA system
3) Integration and development of integral electro-optical measurement & control device and automation device
Major scientific-research programs:
1)Program of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Limited: high speed data collection and real-time signal processing system, March, 2004 - December, 2005, as the program principal
2)Aerospace science and industry program: high speed collection and playback system of radar echo signal, July, 2005 - July, 2006, as program principal
3) Program of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: development of next-generation high speed & precision Sawyer plain モータの, April, 2007 - March, 2009, as program principal
4)Scientific-research startup fund program for returned overseas Chinese scholars: research of sliding mode variable structure control of multivariant high speed &precision planar positioning platform, April, 2009 - April, 2010, as program principal
5)Program commissioned by enterprise: key technology research of automation upgrading of copper fabrication production line, October, 2009 - October, 2012, as program principal
6)International cooperation program: Development of Mini-type UPS power supply, December, 2009 - December, 2010, as program principal
7) Program commissioned by enterprise: research and development of smart miniature line inspection robot, October, 2010 - December, 2012, as program principal
8)Program of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute: research of smart line inspection robot in cable tunnel, January, 2010 - December, 2010, as program principal
9)Brain gain program: design of nonlinear controller based on similar antisymmetric structure, September, 2010 - August, 2013, as program principal
10)Brain gain program: research of modeling, control and protection based on PHILS, September, 2010 - August, 2013, as program principal
11)Program of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company: development of robot for pipe-laying and line inspection in cable tunnel, July, 2011 - July, 2012, as program principal
12)Brain gain program: the advanced real-time contactless multi-layered biometric identification information acquisition system, September, 2011 - August, 2014, as program principal
13)Program commissioned by enterprise: development of high voltage DC UPS system, November, 2011 - November, 2012, as program principal
14)Provincial / city-level planned program: research of motion control technology for the new high precision CNC machine tool workbench based on planar motor, January, 2012 - December, 2014, as program principal
15)Youth Fund program of Sichuan University: robust adaptive sliding mode control of gesture and center-of-gravity motion of NSV (near space vehicle), October, 2012 - December, 2013, as program principal
16)Program commissioned by enterprise: development of new line inspection robot in cable tunnel, January, 2013 - December, 2015, as program principal
17)Program commissioned by enterprise: 9-axis linkage system specially for spray coating of burner, July, 2014 - June, 2017, as program principal
18)Program commissioned by enterprise: development MEMS scanner, April, 2015 - December, 2015, as program principal
Representative academic papers
1)Please refer to the following website for Dr. Dian’s representative academic papers published in international academic journals and conference papers.
2) The academic papers of Dr. Dian published in domestic journals and his conference papers could be checked by searching for Dr. Dian’s Chinese name in
Cultivation and enrollment of postgraduates
14 Master candidates have been graduated - 2 continued their doctorate study in famous schools, 5 are working in the renowned research institutes, such as CETC 29, CETC 30, China Academy of Engineering Physics, and the 7th Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, etc., the rest 7 are working in the famous enterprises like Huawei, Mediatek and Zhongheng, etc. Now Dr. Dian enrolls 17 Master candidates and assists in instructing 1 Doctorate candidate. The laboratory lays emphasis on providing the study work with perfect supporting conditions. Besides various scholarships awarded by the university (at present, winner of national scholarship among the students in the laboratory: 3 person - time; winner of first grade scholarship: 5 person - time, and most students in the laboratory have won the second grade scholarship), students participated in the programs could also receive research-assisting allowance which varies from RMB 800 to RMB 3000. The excellent students recommended for graduate study from Sichuan University or other colleges also stand a chance to be granted with the one-off laboratory admission special bonus.
Enrollment conditions are as follows:
1)Students who major in electrical and electronic engineering, automation, computer science, applied physics, applied mathematics, measurement and control and mechanical & electrical integration, etc. may apply.
2)The applicants shall have good foundation of mathematical and physical knowledge or computer software / hardware
3)The applicants shall have strong interest in acquiring new knowledge, scientific-research and innovation, as well as the quality of sustained study enthusiasm and assiduous study.
4) Every year, Dr. Dian will enroll 5 - 7 Master candidates in 3 research fields - control theory and control engineering, inspection technology and automation device, control engineering (professional Master degree)
B208, Basic Teaching Building of Wangjiang Campus, Sichuan University;