Female, born in November, 1967, associate professor of Communication Engineering Major. Professor Li was graduated with her Bachelor’s degree in Information Engineering Major from Sichuan Univerfsity (formerly known as Department of Electric Power of University of Science and Technology of Chengdu) in 1989, and received her Master’s degree from Power System & Automation Major in Sichuan University in1994.
Professor Li undertakes the teaching work of the undergraduate courses like Optical Fiber Communication, Data Communication and Fundamentals of Digital Electronic Technology and postgraduate course like Integrated Services Digital Network, etc. She has presided over and participated in many scientific research programs, which cover the fields of WLAN and data communication, etc. The major scientific research programs which are undertaken by Professor Li in last 2 years are “TRIZ Guiding Technology Research for Condition-based Maintenance of Power Grid Equipment” and “Research of Blind Separation Prediction Model for Expressway Traffic Volume of Sichuan Province”.
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol Theory and Technology edited by Professor Li has been published. Professor Li has published over 20 papers in EI and some core journals.