Prof. Yang was born in October 1949 and is currently a Doctoral Advisor in Sichuan University. He obtained the B.S. degree in Power System and Automation from Sichuan University, M.S. degree in Power System and Automation from Harbin Institute of Technology, and Ph.D. degree in engineering from the University of Liège (Belgium) in1982, 1985 and 1997, respectively. Prof. Yang was long involved in harmonic wave research in the IEC-77A.08 working group in Belgium and has grasped the latest research developments in power quality. He has presided over five power quality related research projects funded by the National Natural Science Fund and one sub-project of National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program). He enjoys a rather high reputation in power quality research, and stays at the forefront in China. Several cooperation projects Prof. Yang undertook won awards for scientific and technological advancement and for advancement in electric power technology from the provincial government. He has also achieved seven Chinese invention patents and over 100 SCI and EI indexed papers.
Social Responsibilities
Chairman of the Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility Sub-committee of the China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED), member of the China Urban Power Supply Specialized Committee, chairman of the Sichuan Province Power and Electronics Specialized Committee, Consultant of the Voltage and Current Levels and Frequency Standards Committee. Editor or reviewer of multiple Chinese Journals including Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, Power System Technology, Power System Automation, and Electric Power Automation Equipment; Review expert of the National Natural Science Fund, the National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program), and the Recruitment Program of Global Experts.
Main Areas of Research
● Technology for Analysis and Control of Power Quality
● Coordinated Var/Voltage Control in Grid-Resource (new energy)-Load (impact load)
● Harmonic Wave Tracing and Responsibility Division
Major Completed/ongoing Research Projects
National Natural Science Fund project:
(1) Assessment of Harmonic Emission in Synchronous Delamination Waveform Reconstruction of Aberrant Waves
(2) S-Transformation Based Criteria for Short-Term Power Quality Disturbance
(3) 2008 International Conference on Industrial Technology
(4) Key Technology in Intelligent Retrieval of Monitoring Information of Power Quality
(5) Mechanism for Power Quality Disturbance on Transmission Lines
National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program) sub-project:
Development and Application of Integrated Power Quality Monitoring System in Active Power Distribution Grid
(1) Transmission Mechanism and Suppression Measures for Harmonic Distribution in Urban Grids, Shanghai Electric Power Corporation, 2014-2015.
(2) Integrated Program-Controlled Visualization Platform for Power Quality Monitoring Equipment, State Grid Guiding Project, Fujian Electric Power Corporation, 2013-2015.
(3) Analytical Investigation on Clustering Characteristics of Intermittent Power Sources and Impact Load, Shanxi Electric Power Research Institute, 2014.
(4) Decision-Making Research and System Development for Power Quality Problems with Large-Scale Disturbance Sources and Loads, Guangdong Electric Power Research Institute, 2014-2015.
(5) Fundamental Theroy on Quantitative Assessment Principle and Calculation Approach for Power Quality Responsibilities, NARI Electrical Equipment and Engineering Energy Efficiency Assessment Center, 2015-2016.
Professional Training
67 students have gained M.S. degrees and 10 students have obtained Ph.D. degrees so far under Prof. Yang’s supervision.