College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Sichuan University
Office: B114, Basic Teaching Building, Wangjiang Campus
Phone: +86 (28) 85405614
Prof. Yuhong Wang
l 09/2004-07/2008 Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
l 09/1993-12/1995 MSc in Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, China
l 09/1989-07/1993 BSc in Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, China
Employments and Working Experiences
l 01/1996-08/2004 Senior Engineer, Power System Planning Department, Southwest Electric Power Design Institute, China
l 01/2002-04/2002 Visiting Senior Engineer, Siemens AG Erlangen, Germany (HVDC system co-design)
l 07/2008-date Professor, College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University, China
l 02/2011-03/2011 Visiting scholar, Arizona State University, USA (American English & Culture Program (AECP))
l 03/2014-03/2015 Visiting scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
l 07/2017-08/2017 Visiting scholar, Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Germany (Engineering Training)
l Current modules: HVDC and FACTS (303203030); Speciality Trend and English Literature Retrieval and Reading (303201020); Freshman seminar (303195010); Msc course: HVDC System (M08080014); MSC course: Comprehensive Qualities needed for Graduate Students (G00000302); Ph.D. course: HVDC and FACTS (D08080205)
l Previous modules: Electromagnetic Fields (303017030); New Theories and Technologies in Electrical Engineering(303059010); Msc course: Professional English (M03030401)
l BSc Final-year project supervision
l MSc project supervision
l PhD project supervision
l Undergraduates Innovation and entrepreneurship adviser
l Education Subcommittee member
Honors and Awards
l Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Award (3rd Class Prize, Shaanxi), 2015
l State Grid Scientific and Technological Progress Award (3rd Class Prize, Sichuan), 2015
l State Grid Scientific and Technological Progress Award (1st Class Prize, Shaanxi), 2014
l National Excellent Engineering Consultation Award (1st Class Prize), 2004
l Provincial Excellent Engineering Design Award (2nd Class Prize, Sichuan), 2004
l Provincial Excellent Engineering Design Award (2nd Class Prize, Sichuan), 2003
l National Excellent Engineering Consultation Award (1st Class Prize), 2002
Professional Memberships
l Senior member of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE)
l Member of IEEE
l Member of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES)
l Member of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE)
Research Interest
l Power System Stability and control
l DC Grid
l Renewable Energy Integration
Research Funding/Projects
l Flexible DC grid planning with distributed renewable energy clusters, Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Fund, 01/2019-12/2020
l Research and demonstration for key technology of 500kV HVDC circuit breaker, National Key R&D Program of China, 07/2017-06/2020, main researcher
l Flexible HVDC technologies for improving Power transmitted from Sichuan and renewable energy integration, NARI-Relay Ltd., 07/2017-02/2018
l Transformer dc bias current distribution near the Ultra-HVDC grounding area, Sichuan Fuxi Generation Ltd., 07/2016-12/2016
l Fault characteristics of flexible HVDC transmission system with overhead lines, EPRI of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., 10/2015-06/2017
l Interactive Service Platform for smart home and smart community, EPRI of State Grid Beijing Electric Power Co., 08/2015-12/2015
l Optimal technology for transformers parallel in distribution network, EPRI of State Gird Beijing Electric Power Co., 10/2015-12/2015
l Security assessment and emergency response for HVDC converter stations at sending end, State Grid Northwest Branch, 01/2014-12/2014
l On-line monitoring method and status evaluation for main equipments in De-Bao HVDC System, State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Co., 11/2013-12/2013
l Electromagnetic and electromechanical transient models of control systems in Xiang-Shang and De-Bao HVDC projects, EPRI of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Co., 01/2013 / 1-12/2013
l Commutation failure risk assessment and Countermeasures for Ultra-HVDC inverter in Chongqing, EPRI of State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Co., 01/2013-12/2013
l DC devices for ice melting used in Puti 500 kV Substation, Southwest Electric Power Design Institute, 01/2013-12/2013
l Device condition monitoring based maintenance strategy in Hu-Liao HVDC system, State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co., 09/2012-12/2012
l Interaction between ± 500kV Converter Station and 750kV Substation at the same site in Baoji, State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Co., 01/2012-12/2012
l Reactive power control and AC filters switching strategies in HVDC station, State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Co., 05/2012-12/2012
l Electromagnetic transient model for a HVDC system, EPRI of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Co.,11/2011-12/2011
l Commutation failure simulation and control strategy using PSCAD/EDTDC, EPRI of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Co., 04/2010-04/2011
l Optimal coordinated control for Large Power Grid, State Grid Key Program, 01/2012 -12/2015, main researcher
l Flexible Control Technologies for Power Grid Stability and Efficiency, National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program) project, 12/2011-12/2014, main researcher
l Stability mechanism and control strategy for strong and smart grid with multi-infeed HVDC transmission systems at the sending end, Key project of NSFC, 01/2011-12/2014, main researcher
Selected Publications (Latest)
1. Yuhong Wang, Yuan Wang, Qi Zeng, et al. Resistor and Capacitor Based DC Circuit Breaker and Its Application in Flexible DC System[J]. High Voltage Engineering. 2019,45(01):1-11. (in Chinese)
2. Yuyan Song, Yuhong Wang*, Tianyu Liu, et al. Optimal Configuration of Capacitor Blocking Devices Based on Multi-Objective Discrete PSO[J]. Power System Technology. 2019(01):292-300. (in Chinese)
3. Chengzhuo Liu, Yuhong Wang*, Biao Wang, et al. Multi-HVDC Modulations Coordination Based on DC Sensitivity Sequence and System Transient Energy Function[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE. 2018,38(21):6295-6304+6491. (in Chinese)
4. Yuhong Wang,Jin Li,Lijie Ding, et al. Study on Soil Equivalent Resistance Model Inversion for DC-bias Distribution Based on Grid N–1 Changing Principle in AC Power System[J]. Advanced Engineering and Science. 2018,50(06):237-244. (in Chinese)
5. Yuhong Wang, Yong Chen, Qi Zeng et al. Improved Droop Control Strategy for VSC-MTDC[J]. High Voltage Engineering. 2018,44(10):3190-3196. (in Chinese)
6. Yuhong Wang, Tianze Li, Qi Zeng, et al. Novel Droop Control Strategy with Dynamically Corrected Operating Point for VSC-MTDC System[J]. High Voltage Engineering. 2018,44(07):2133-2142. (in Chinese)
7. Yuhong Wang, Liwen Yang, Wei Jiang, Chengzhuo Liu, Yuan Wang. Review on equipment and control strategies of DC power grid [J]. Power System Technology, 2018,42(1): 12-24. (in Chinese)
8. Chengzhuo Liu, Yuhong Wang*, Hong Gong, Yuan Wang. Novel snubber circuit for load commutation switch of hybrid HVDC breaker [J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2018, 38(3): 205-209+217. (in Chinese)
9. Tianyu Liu, Yuhong Wang*, Hong Gong, Wentao Zhang. Study on static voltage stability at receiving converter bus of UHVDC hierarchical connection system [J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2017, 43(10): 3231-3237. (in Chinese)
10. Liwen Yang, Wei Jiang, Yuhong Wang*, Jinxiang Chen, Xingyuan Li, Daoshan Huang. Capacitor-embedded submodule topology with DC fault blocking capability and its characteristics [J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2017, 37 (12) : 172-177. (in Chinese)
11. Zhice Zou, Xianyong Xiao, Yuanfan Liu, Yuhong Wang*. Integrated Protection of DFIG-Based Wind Turbine With a Resistive-Type SFCL Under Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Faults [J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016, 26(7): 1-5.
12. Ran Ou, Xianyong Xiao, Zhice Zou, Yi Zhang, YuhongWang*. Cooperative Control of SFCL and Reactive Power for Improving the Transient Voltage Stability of Grid-Connected Wind Farm With DFIGs [J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016, 26(7): 1-6.
13. Peng Zou, Yuhong Wang*, Xingyuan Li, Hong Gong. Frequency Control Strategy for HVDC Power System With Wind Power Integration [J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2016, 36(21): 5750-5756+6017. (in Chinese)
14. Hong Gong, Yuhong Wang*, Yuan Li, Xingyuan Li, Liang Wei. An Input output Feedback Linearized Sliding Mode Control for D-STATCOM [J].Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2016, 40(05): 102-108. (in Chinese)
15. Liang Wei, Yuhong Wang*, Xingyuan Li, Dongxiang Li, Xiaohan Liu, Hua Tang. Design of additional frequency controller for islanded sending-end operation of HVDC system [J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2016, 36(01): 143-148. (in Chinese)
16. Hua Tang, Yuhong Wang*, Liang Wei, Xingyuan Li. An Additional Frequency Robust Controller for HVDC Transmission System Under Islanding Operation [J]. Power System Technology, 2016, 40(04): 1066-1072. (in Chinese)
17. Xingyuan Li, Qi Zeng, Yuhong Wang*, Yingmin Zhang. Control Strategies of Voltage Source Converter Based Direct Current Transmission System [J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2016, 42(10): 3025-3037. (in Chinese)
18. Lei Liu, Yuhong Wang*, Xingyuan Li, Biao Zhang. Design of variable slope VDCOL controller based on fuzzy control [J]. Power System Technology, 2015, 39(7): 1814-1818. (in Chinese)
19. Ruike Zhu, Yuhong Wang*, Xingyuan Li, Zhiyuan He, Dali Ying. An adaptive DC voltage droop control strategy for the VSC-MTDC system [J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2015, 39(4): 63-68. (in Chinese)
20. Xi Wang, Yuhong Wang*, Xingyuan Li, Miao Miao. Design of the static var compensator adaptive sliding mode controller considering model uncertainty and time-delay [J]. Acta Phys. Sin. 2014, 63(23): 428-435. (in Chinese)
21. Yuhong Wang*, Biao Zhang, Xingyuan Li, Chao Zhang, Ruilin Xu, Yiyu Wen. An Equivalence Method Based on Measurement Information of the Boundary Nodes for Two-port Network [J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 2014, 46(05): 127-132. (in Chinese)
22. Ruike Zhu, Yuhong Wang*, Xingyuan Li, Dali Ying, Yan Zhao. An Additional Frequency Control Strategy for Interconnected Systems Through VSC-HVDC [J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2014, 38(16): 81-87. (in Chinese)
23. Dongxiang Li, Yuhong Wang*, Lijie Ding, Xingyuan Li, Hanguang Dai, Guoliang Su. Blocking and deblocking strategy of single UHVDC converter group under joint control mode of dual 12-pulse converter groups [J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2014, 34(04): 148-154. (in Chinese)
24. Rui Zhao, Xingyuan Li, Tianqi Liu, Yuhong Wang*, Yiqiang Yang, Kuan Li. Design of multi-channel DC supplementary damping controller for subsynchronous and low-frequency oscillation suppression [J]. Electric Powcr Automation Equipment, 2014, 34(03): 89-93. (in Chinese)