Ms Zhang, born in April 1974, with PhD in Engineering and associate professorship, works as a graduate advisor at the College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University.
Disciplinary category
Power system and its automation
Areas of Research
Power system stability and control; high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission
Scientific research projects
1.A national natural science fund key project No. 51037003, mechanism analysis of multiple DC drop point transmission system stability in strong smart grids and study of the control method, during Jan. 2011 -- Dec. 2014, as a leading researcher;
2.A National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (also known as the 863 Program), the flexible control technology to upgrade the grid safety, stability and operational efficiency, during Nov. 2010 -- Dec. 2013, as a leading researcher;
3. A 11th Five Years Plan national science and technology supportive key sub-project No. 2008BAA13B01, study of large grid safety plan, operational theory, and technology, during Jan. 2009 -- Dec. 2010, as a leading researcher;
4.A national key basic research and development program (973), sub-program No. No.2004CB217901 of study of the fundamental theory and key technology for electric power wide area safety defense system, the reciprocal effect of the high voltage AC/DC hybrid transmission system and mechanism analysis of DC system conversion station commutation failure, during 2005 -- 2009, as a leading researcher;
5.A national natural science fund key sub-project No. 50595412, the wide area modeling and simulation theory and method for analysis of electric power system safety, during 2005 - 2008, as a leading researcher;
6.Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology basic application project No. 2010jy0018, analysis of transmission end multiple drop point DC system stability and study of its control, during Jan. 2010 -- Dec 2013, as a leading researcher;
7.A national natural science fund project, study of a new type fault current limiter with cascade compensation, during Jan. 2002 -- Dec. 2004, as a leading researcher;
8.A national natural science fund project, study of the coordinated control for an uninterrupted power substation based on the multi-agent technology, during Jan. 2006 -- Dec. 2008, as a leading researcher;
9.A national natural science fund project, study of frequency instability of a special/ultra high voltage ac/dc hybrid transmission system operating in isolation under emergency conditions and study of the control, during Jan. 2009 -- Dec. 2011, as a leading researcher;
10.A national key basic research and development program (973), study nonlinear emergency coordination control for an AC/DC interconnected system, during Jan. 1999 -- Dec. 2003;
11.A doctoral scientific fund project of the Ministry of Education of China, analysis of the electric power system stability with a large-scale wind farm and study of its coordinated control, during Jan. 2008 -- Dec. 2010, as a leading researcher;
12.Zigong City Electric Service Bureau, assessment of the Zigong urban grid electric energy quality status, during Nov. 2013 -- Dec. 2013, as the executive researcher;
13.Chengdu City Electric Service Bureau, Chengdu electric service bureau safety monitoring information management system, during Dec. 2008 -- Dec. 2011, as an executive researcher.
Teaching reform projects
1.Sichuan province, the provincial level refined resource course construction for “Circuit Principles”, from 2014 to present, as the executive;
2.Sichuan University, the university-wide refined course construction for “Signals and Systems”, from 2003 to present, as the executive;
3.Sichuan University, the university-wide refined course construction for “Circuit Principles”, from 2009 to present, as the executive;
4. Sichuan province, the provincial level refined course construction for “Electrotechnic Essentials”, from 2008 to present, as a main researcher;
5.Sichuan University, the university-wide refined course construction for “Electrotechnic Essentials”, from 2007 to present, as a main researcher;
6.Sichuan University, the university-wide teaching base construction for “Electrotechnic Essentials”, from 2001 to present, as a main researcher;
7.Sichuan University, the provincial level key course construction for “Electrocircuit”, from Jan. 2001 to Dec. 2002, as a main researcher;
2003 Young Backbone Teacher Award, Sichuan University; Outstanding Thesis Supervisor Award, Sichuan University
2004 First Electronic Teaching Plan Competition for Young Teacher Third Prize, Sichuan University; Teaching Achievement Award Second Prize, Sichuan University
2005 Third Excellent Teaching Award Second Prize, Sichuan University
2006 Virtue Pacesetter for Teacher, Sichuan University; Young Backbone Teacher Award, Sichuan University
2007 Fourth Excellent Teaching Award Second Prize, Sichuan University
2009 Young Backbone Teacher Award, Sichuan University; Outstanding Thesis Supervisor Award, Sichuan University
2010 Outstanding Thesis Supervisor Award, Sichuan University
2011 Excellent Teaching Award for Young Teacher, Sichuan University; Young Backbone Teacher Award
2012 Teaching Achievement Award Second Prize, Sichuan University
2014 Young Backbone Teacher Award
Academic Works:
1、August 2004, chief editor of Basic Experimental Teaching Materials for Circuit and Electrotechnical Measurement, Publishing House of Electronics Industry
2、January 2003, chief editor of Guidance Notes of Signals& Systems MATLAB Computer Experiments
3、July 2009, coeditor of "Eleventh Five-Year" National Planned Textbook Electro Technic Experiments Teaching Material, Higher Education Press
4、February 2012, co-editor of Electro Technics Teaching Material, Higher Education Press
Selected Papers:
[1] Zhang Yingmin, Chen Hu, Li Xingyuan, et al. Study of emergency DC power support strategy based on DC power sup-port factor [J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Science Edition), 2011, 43(5):175-178. (EI20114314457932)
[2] Zhang Yingmin, Wang Pengfei, Li Xingyuan et al. Interaction of the AC/DC transmission system based on the impedance angle [J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Science Edition), 2012, 44(1):149-153. (EI201207147666987)
[3] Chen Hu, Zhang Yingmin, He Yang et al. Analysis on power stability of multi-infeed HVDC power transmission system [J].Power System Technology, 2011,35(6):50-54. (EI20112714123913)
[4] Zhao Rui, Zhang Yingmin, Li Xingyuan et al. An L2 gain disturbance attenuation control approach to improve transient stability of HVDC power transmission system with multi feed-terminals at sending end [J].Power System Technology, 2011, 35(8): 99-103. (EI20113514276827)
[5] Chen Hu, Zhang Yingmin, He Yang et al. Impact assessment of UHVAC on multi-send HVDC systems of Sichuan power grid [J].Power System Protection and Control, 2011, 39(7):136-141. (EI20111913972098)
[6] Zhao Rui, Zhang Yingmin, Li Xingyuan et al. Nonlinear control strategy for improving the transient stability of sending ends multi-feed HVDC system[J].Power System Protection and Control,2011,39(15): 7-12. (EI20113414253847)
[7] Wang Pengfei, Zhang Yingmin, Li Xingyuan et al. Interaction analysis of AC/DC systems based on multi-infeed effective short circuit ratio [J].Power System Protection and Control, 2012, 40(6):74-78, 85. (EI20121614955349)
[8]Fan Fan, Zhang Yingmin, Li Xingyuan et al. Study of emergency DC power support strategy based on dominant center of inertia [J]. Power System Protection and Control, 2012, 40(20): 38-43.(EI20124615671889)
[9] Li Baohong, Zhang Yingmin, Li Xingyuan et al. High voltage direct current additional reduced-order controller design based on improved projective control [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2014, 63(9): 98801.
[10] Li Baohong, Zhang Yingmin, Li Xingyuan et al. Design of Multi-Channel Additional Robust Controller for HVDC Transmission System[J].Power System Technology, 2014, 38(4): 856-864.
[11] Rui Zhao, Yingmin Zhang, Xingyuan Li, et al.The Research on the Emergency DC Power Support Strategies of Deyang-Baoji HVDC Project[C]. IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy engineering Conf. ,2011.(EI20112013979344)
[12] Pengfei Wang,Yingmin Zhang,Hu Chen, et al.Analysis on the interaction of AC/DC systems based on multi-infeed Q effective short circuit ratio[C]. IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy engineering Conf., 2012. (EI 20125015772312)
[13] Wang Pengfei, Zhang Yingmin, Wang Yuhong et al. Critical Short Circuit Ratio of DC Transmission System [J]. East China Electric Power, 2011, 39(11): 1780-1783.