Male, Doctor of Science, Post doctor of Medical Image, professor, graduate advisor
From November, 2012 to March, 2014, Dr. Zhang visited University of Nebraska Medical Center and University of Maryland Neuroimaging Center as the visiting scholar. The research field of him is wearable smart medical instruments, medical image analysis and processing, medical information engineering and scientific computing platform, etc. Dr. Zhang is the member of Chinese Society of Radiology, IEEE, Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering (senior member), Chinese Computer Federation, and the Chinese Neuroscience Society. Dr. Zhang is acting as the reviewer of some international / domestic famous journals, such as Neuroscien Bulletin, Medical Hypotheses and Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, etc. In June, 2001, Dr. Zhang was graduated from National University of Defense Technology in Computer Science. In June, 2008, Dr. Zhang was graduated from the Fourth Military Medical University in Biology (neuroinformatics) and obtained the degree of Doctor of Science. From November, 2008 to June, 2011, Dr. Zhang was performing postdoctoral research in Magnetic Resonance Research Center of West China Hospital, Sichuan University. As the program principal, he presided over 2 state-level research topics, and participated in many key research programs, such as 973 Project, 863 Project and NSFC. Dr. Zhang is renowned for his academic background of computer, medical image and smart medical instruments. Dr. Zhang has published over 30 papers, including nearly 20 SCI and EI papers (papers cited by SCI > 15). Dr. Zhang has applied for over 10 patents, now he has obtained 3 patents and 2 software copyrights. At present, Dr. Zhang has developed 1 prototype of smart medical instrument, which is being validated clinically. From January, 2010, Dr. Zhang started to act as the responsible person of the unified teaching and scientific research team of School of Computer Science and Technology, Southwest University of Science and Technology. In July, 2011, Dr. Zhang was re-assigned to Department of Medical Information Engineering of Sichuan University as the “Excellent Young Talent” of Sichuan University. Now Dr. Zhang is acting as the Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Information Engineering, and graduate advisor of College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University
Now Dr. Zhang is undertaking 5 provincial / department level programs and sub-topics of the state-level programs. Total research fund is nearly RMB 500,000. We sincerely welcome the enrollment application from the college students. We will provide each Master candidate with a subsistence allowance of RMB 200 - 400 / month according to their personal capabilities, and recommend the excellent candidates to perform doctoral study in Yale University or University of Maryland, etc.