Qiong-Hua Wang

Email: qhwang@scu.edu.cn
Educational Background
School of Optics/CREOL, University of Central Florida, Orlando, US
Post-doc Optics Advisor: Prof. Shin-Tson Wu 2001-2003
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
Ph.D Optical engineering 3/2001
M.S. Opto-electronics 4/1995
B.S. Physic electronics 7/1992
Research and Teaching Interests
Professor Wang’s research is focused on 3D displays, liquid crystal displays and so on. Her group developed autostereoscopic 3D displays and contributed to the theories and technologies of 3D displays and liquid crystal displays. Her research is currently supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Recent Publications and Patents
1. Lei Li, Qiong-Hua Wang, Xiao-Qing Xu, Da-Hai Li, and et al, “Two-step method for lens system design,” Optics Express, Vol.18 , No.12 , pp. 13285-13300, 2010.
2. Da-Hai Li, Xiao-Ping Qi, Qiong-Hua Wang, and et al “Accurate retrieve algorithm of amplitude from radial shearing interferogram ” , Optics Letters, Vol. 35, Issue 18, pp. 3054-3056, 2010.
3. Lei Li, Qiong-Hua Wang, Xiao-Qing Xu, and Da-Hai Li, “Mutation operators in lens system optimization to jump out of local minima”, Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 20, pp. 20876-20886, 2010.
4. Yu-Hong Tao, Qiong-Hua Wang, Jun Gu, and et al, “An autostereoscopic three-dimensional projector based on two parallax barriers”, Optics Letters, Vol. 34, Issue 20, pp. 3220-3222, 2009
5. Lei Li, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, and et al “Jump method for optical thin film design”, Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 19, pp. 16920–16926, 2009
6. Xin Zhou, Yong-liang Xiao, Qiong-Hua Wang, and et al, “Optical image encryption topology”, Optics Letters, Vol. 34, Issue 20, pp. 3223-3225, 2009
7. Dahai Li, Fulin Wen, Qionghua Wang, and et al, “Improved formula of wavefront reconstruction from a radial shearing interferogram”, Optics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp.210-212, 2008.
8. Qiong-Hua Wang, Shin-Tson Wu, and et al, “Transflective liquid crystal display”, US 7, 286, 198 B2
9. Shin-Tson Wu, Qiong-Hua Wang, and et al, “Transflective LCD using multilayer dielectric transflector”, US 7, 230, 663 B1
10. Qiong-Hua Wang, Shin-Tson Wu, and et al, “Transflective liquid crystal display using separate transmissive and reflective liquid crystal cells and materials with single cell gap”, US 7, 359, 015 B1
Honors and Awards
2008 Was one of 2008 Chengdu top 10 outstanding youth.
Won the second prize of Science and Technology Development Award established by
Sichuan provincial government, China.
1998 Won the second prize of National Invention Award established by Ministry of National
Science and Technology, China.
1996 Won the first prize of Science and Technology Development Award established by
Ministry of Electronic Industry, China.
Professional Experience and Activities
2004—present, Professor, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, China.
2001—2003,Research scientist, School of Optics/CREOL, University of Central Florida, US.
1995—2001, Lecturer and Associate professor, Dept. of Opto-electronic Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China.