
Department: Radio Electronics
Office: Room 501 – 510, Part B, Fundamental Teaching Building (Jichu Jiaoxue Lou)
Phone: 28-85462766
Fax: 28-85463466
E-mail: hxh@scu.edu.cn
Educational Background
• B.S., Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, 1985
• M.S., Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, 1991
• Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Sichuan University, 2002
Research & Teaching Interests
His research interests include image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, image communication, and software engineering.
Professional Experience & Activities
He joined the department in the university in 1991. He has served as an associate editor of Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing. He has made significant contributions to the research and published a book and a large number of papers especially on image processing and pattern recognition. Done and ongoing nearly 40 research projects sponsored by National Natural Science Funding, State Departments, Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Funding, and nation wide enterprises. Received 6 research prizes awarded by State Departments and Sichuan Province.